AIS Projective Modules (2018) - Speakers and Syllabus

Dear Participants,
      It will be better if you browse through these files and get some familiarity with them before the workshop. This will help you in following the workshop.
Rabeya Basu, Raja Sridharan, Manoj Keshari,Ravi Rao

This AIS is planned to introduce students to Euler class group theory over a Noetherian ring, and Quillen-Suslin theory for symplectic and orthogonal groups. There will be six streams of lectures (two per week).


  1. Rabeya Basu, IISER Pune
  2. Manoj Keshari, IIT Bombay
  3. Dilip Patil, IISc Bangalore
  4. Mrinal Das, ISI Kolkata
  5. Raja Sridharan, TIFR, Mumbai
  6. Ravi Rao, TIFR, Mumbai
  7. Selby Jose, Institute of Science, Mumbai
  8. Vinay Wagh, IIT Guwahati

Syllabus: We plan to cover the following topics in this workshop:

Week 1 
Speakers Rabeya Basu, Dilip Patil and Manoj Keshari
Topics Commutative Algebra : Noetherian rings, Artinian rings, Krull’s dimension theorem, Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, projective and stably free modules, Suslin’s proof of Serre’s conjecture, Mohan Kumar’s theorem on complete intersections. Quillen-Suslin theory: Horrock’s and Quillen-Suslin theorem for unimodular rows, Normality of En (R) in SLn (R), En (R) acts transitively on Umn (R) for semilocal rings and for rings of dimension d with n ≥ d + 2. Transitivity theorems for R[X], n ≥ d + 2, d = dim(R).
Week 2 
Speakers Mrinal Das and Raja Sridharan
Topics A simple introduction to Euler classes and complete intersections. Relation between projective modules and topology. Suslin’s n! theorem, Vaserstein symbol. Applications to Bass-Suslin conjecture for dimension 2.
Week 3 
Speakers Ravi Rao, Selby Jose and Vinay Wagh
Topics Quillen-Suslin theory for Suslin matrices and some applications, Computational Quillen-Suslin.


Date 9:30-11:00
May 21 R Basu D Patil D Patil R Basu
May 22 R Basu D Patil D Patil R Basu
May 23 R Basu M Keshari M Keshari R Basu
May 24 M Keshari D Patil D Patil M Keshari
May 25 M Keshari D Patil D Patil M Keshari
May 26 M Keshari D Patil D Patil M Keshari
May 28 M K Das R Sridharan M K Das R Sridharan
May 29 M K Das R Sridharan M K Das R Sridharan
May 30 M K Das R Sridharan R Sridharan M K Das
May 31 M K Das R Sridharan R Sridharan M K Das
June 01 M K Das R Sridharan R Sridharan M K Das
June 02 M K Das R Sridharan R Sridharan M K Das


Date 9:30-10:30
June 04 S. Jose R. Rao V. Wagh V. Wagh + Ratnik (CL)
June 05 S. Jose V. Wagh R. Rao V. Wagh + Ratnik (CL)
June 06 S. Jose V. Wagh R. Rao R. Rao + Ratnik (CL)
June 08 S. Jose V. Wagh R. Rao S. Jose + Vijay (CL)


Date 9:30-11:00
June 07 S. Jose Vineeth S. Jose + Vijay
June 09 S. Jose R. Rao V Wagh + Ratnik (CL)


CL = Computer Lab


  • MPhil Thesis, Rabeya Basu
    available at:
  • MPhil Thesis, Manoj Keshari
    available at: keshari/Mphil_manoj.pdf
  • F. Ischebeck, R. Rao, Ideals and Reality - Projective Modules and number of generators of ideals, Springer Monograph in Mathematics.

Participants must be familiar with a graduate course in commutative algebra.