
Overview of ATM schools

 The Advanced Training in Mathematics Schools (ATM Schools) were launched by the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) in May 2004. The purpose of these schools is to provide training in core subjects in Mathematics to Ph.D. students, young researchers and teachers. The emphasis in these schools is on learning mathematics by doing it. IIT Bombay and TIFR have jointly established the National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) in 2011. The instructional schools and workshops which were earlier planned by an NBHM committee on ATM Schools are now being organised under the supervision of the Apex Committee of the NCM.

The objective is to organize quality schools which help researchers and teachers and learn advanced mathematics in an enjoyable way.

Please read the following instructions before you enroll to this website:

  1. Instructions for registration
  2. Instrucitons for workshop/schools application.

 There are five types of training programmes under ATM Schools. They are described in the following table:

Abbr. School Main target audience
Annual foundation schools
I, II and III
I year Ph. D. students
AIS Advanced instructional schools II-V year Ph. D. students
NCMW NCM Workshops Researchers
IST Instructional Schools for Teachers College and university lecturers
TEW Teacher’s Enrichment Workshops (TEW) College teachers