NCMW - Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis
Venue: IIT, Guwahati
Dates: 11 Dec 2023 to 16 Dec 2023
Name: | Dr. Pratyoosh Kumar | Dr. Jitendriya Swain |
Mailing Address: | Associate Professor Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Associate Professor Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati |
Email: | pratyoosh at | jitumath at |
This workshop is organized on the occasion of the centenary birth year of Harish-Chandra. The main aim of this AIS is to introduce the works of Harish-Chandra and their importance in the various areas of current research in mathematics. This program is intended for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows, and young teachers interested in working in representation theory and harmonic analysis. The overall theme of this workshop will be the representation theory of semi-simple Lie groups and harmonic analysis of related symmetric spaces and their applications. These topics have a profound interaction with numerous areas of mathematics and physics.