TEW Algebra, Analysis (2018)- Speakers and Syllabus

Teachers are typically responsible for helping students understand and apply concepts learned in lecture classes. This Teachers Enrichment workshop aims to provide the teachers, engaged in teaching the under graduate and post graduate students, with the knowledge that will be helpful in making the students understand the concepts in a more lucid way and applying them in solving applications based problems. The syllabus is designed to cover the curriculum of most of the undergraduate courses. It includes analysis, algebra and hands on the extensively used typing tool LaTeX.


Sr Name of the Speaker with affiliation No. of Lectures Title Detailed Syllabus
1. Prof. V.D. Sharma (VDS) IIT Bombay 3 Basic Differential Equations First order partial differential equations (PDEs); method of characteristics and general solution of first order PDEs; Riemann problem; Cauchy problem for second order PDEs, First order ordinary differential equations, growth and decay model, Euler’s equation. Power series solution of a differential equation about an ordinary point, solution about a regular singular point.
2. Prof. U.K. Anandavardhanan (UKA) IIT Bombay 3 Fundamental Theorems of multivariable calculus Differentiation, Inverse Function Theorem, Differential Forms, Theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes.
3. Prof. Hariharan Ananthnarayan (HA) IIT Bombay 3 Groups and Geometry Basic examples of groups and homomorphisms, including cyclic, dihedral, permutation and alternating groups, and matrix groups, Group actions and some applications: the orbit-stabilizer formula, class equation.
4. Prof. Ritu Agarwal (RA) MNIT, Jaipur 6 Lab sessions for Latex Introduction to Latex and structuring the document, environments, typing Mathematical equations, inserting figures Typesetting Theorems, list environments, Bibliography and reference management, Making presentation using beamer
5. Prof. S A Katre (SAK) Savitribai Phule Pune University 6 Introduction to SciLab Practice sessions will be held for using SciLab in a variety of courses at undergraduate mathematics course such as linear algebra, numerical analysis, calculus and differential equations.


  1. Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis
  2. G. Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra
  3. M. Artin, Algebra, Second Edition
  4. W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value problems.



Day Date
Lec 1
Tea Lec 2
Lec 3
Tea Lab
Mon 15-10-2018 HA        HA        HA+JKV RA        Lab 1-RA MPY+NJ       
Tue 16-10-2018 VDS HA VDS+RA RA Lab 2-RA MPY+NJ
Wed 17-10-2018 VDS HA HA+JKV RA Lab 3-RA MPY+NJ
Thu 18-10-2018 VDS UKA VDS+SAK SAK Lab 4 SAK X+Y
Fri 19-10-2018 VDS UKA UKA+SAK SAK Lab5 SAK X+Y
Sat 20-10-2018 UKA UKA UKA+SAK SAK Lab6 SAK X+Y

 Resource Persons

S. No. Name Affiliation
1 Prof. V.D. Sharma (VDS) IIT Bombay
2 Prof. U.K. Anandavardhanan (UKA) IIT Bombay
3 Prof. Hariharan Ananthnarayan (HA) IIT Bombay
4 Prof. Jugal K. Verma (JKV) IIT Bombay
5 Prof. S A Katre (SAK) SPPU, Pune
6 Prof. Ritu Agarwal (RA) MNIT Jaipur
7 Mr. Mahveer Yadav (MPY) MNIT Jaipur
8 Ms. Nidhi Jolly (NJ) MNIT Jaipur