NCMW - Analysis of Dynamical Systems and Applications to Control Systems (2025)

Venue: Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan

Dates: 9 Jun 2025 to 21 Jun 2025


Name: Prof. Rakesh Kumar Bajaj Prof. Syed Abbas Dr. Bidhan Chandra Sardar
Mailing Address: Professor & HoD
Department of Mathematics
Jaypee University of Information Technology
Professor & Dean SRIC & IR
Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics, IIT Madras
Email: rakesh.bajaj at abbas at  bidhan.math at

This NCMW aims to introduce the participants to the advanced topics in Ordinary differential equations & Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) related to the Dynamical Systems and Applications to Control Systems. This will be indeed immensely helpful to the researchers who are already familiar with the basics of ODEs & PDEs, since we are going to discuss several state-of-the art techniques related to stability, controllability etc. for the dynamical systems and control systems.

In the first week, we plan to discuss topics like linear systems, solutions, fundamental matrix, autonomous and nonautonomous systems, Stability of systems, equilibrium, Lyapunov stability At the end of the first week, we plan to focus more on Controllability of Differential Equations & Differential Inclusions: Dynamical systems & Control systems, Controllability, Observability, stability, differential inclusions.

In the second week, weak solutions of PDEs: Elliptic, Parabolic & Hyperbolic problems along with Controllability for ODEs & PDEs will be discussed. Controllability of Hyperbolic PDEs and Hilbert uniqueness method and Controllability of Parabolic PDEs with Carleman estimates will be covered by the end of the week.

Prerequisites for the Workshop: The participants should have the fundamental knowledge of Linear Algebra, real analysis and familiarity with both ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs), as these form the basis for rigorous analysis in dynamical systems and modelling.