TEW - Real Analysis, Algebra and Number Theory with some Applications (2023)

Venue: G H Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur

Dates: 3 Jul 2023 to 8 Jul 2023


Name: Dr. Charu Goel Dr. Praveen Kumar Dhankar Mr. Bhagwat Thakran
Mailing Address: Assistant Professor
Department of Basic Sciences
Indian Institute of Information
Technology (IIIT) Nagpur
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
G H Raisoni College of
Engineering, Nagpur
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
G H Raisoni College of
Engineering, Nagpur
Email: charugoel at iiitn.ac.in pkumar6743 at gmail.com bhagwat.thakran at raisoni.net,
bhagwatjaat at gmail.com

Teacher’s Enrichment Workshops (TEW) are conducted by NCM with the financial support from Advancement of Arts and Sciences from India, which is known as ARSI.The purpose of this Program is to nourish the University teachers with presentation skills of mathematical concepts in core subjects of Real Analysis, Algebra and Number Theory. This course will help the participants to learn advanced mathematics in an enjoyable way. The main focus will be on better understanding of the fundamental concepts in these three subjects and their applications. The resource persons for the proposed TEW are well established faculty members in renowned institutes, all well versed with teaching skills.