NCMW - Jacobi Forms (2022)
Venue: IIT, Guwahati
Dates: 12 Dec 2022 to 24 Dec 2022
Name: | B. Ramakrishnan | Rupam Barman |
Mailing Address: | Indian Statistical Institute North-East Centre Punioni, Solmara Tezpur 784 501 |
Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati North Guwahati Guwahati 781 039 |
Email: | b.ramki61 at | rupambarman at |
Jacobi forms arise naturally as the Fourier coefficients (Fourier-Jacobi exapnsion) of Siegel modular forms. A systematic study of these automorphic forms was studied by Martin Eichler and Don Zagier in the monographpublished in 1985. Jacobi forms play an important role in proving the famous Saito-Kurokawa conjecture, which gives a connection between Siegel modular forms of degree 2 and elliptic modular forms. There is also a connection between Jacobi forms and modular forms of half-integral weight.Due to connections with various types of automorphic forms, the theory of Jacobi forms play a key role in the theory of automorphic forms.
In order to motivate young researchers, we propose to organise a two weeks NCM workshop on Jacobi forms. In this workshop, we mainly cover the important topics discussed in the above mentioned monograph (Progressin Mathematics vol. 55), which is the main source of reference for this workshop. Since basic knowledge of the theory of modular forms of both integral and half-integral weights are needed, we also plan to cover some preliminary materials on the theory of modular forms in the beginning.