IST - Linear Algebra (2021)

Venue: National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh, online

Dates: 20 Feb 2021 to 28 Mar 2021


Name: Dr. Ram Prakash Sharma Prof. Murali Srinivasan
Mailing Address: National Institute of Technology
Arunachal Pradesh-791112
Department of Mathematics,
I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 4000 76.
Email: rpsharma at murali.k.srinivasan at

In this school, we will learn the basic tools of linear algebra and use them to study Matrices, Gaussian Elimination, Vector Spaces, Orthogonality, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Positive Definite Matrices and Computations with Matrices. Learning these topics are the first steps to pursue research in the Linear algebra. Through these topics we will discuss some questions of current interests to get a flavor of ongoing research in these areas. We will also learn to use software like Sage for computations.

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