TEW - Algebra & its applications (2019)

Venue: Shivaji College (University of Delhi), New Delhi

Dates: 6 May 2019 to 11 May 2019


Name: Dr. Aparna Jain Dr. Jeetendra Aggarwal

Prof. Geetha Venkataraman

Mailing Address:

Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Shivaji College, University of Delhi,
New Delhi -110027

Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Shivaji College, University of Delhi,
New Delhi -110027

Academic Coordinator
Ambedkar University Delhi
Delhi – 110006

Email:  jainaparna at yahoo.com  jitenaggarwal at gmail.com geetha at aud.ac.in

 TEWs are meant only for the local teachers and therefore no travel and other hospitalities will be provided to the outstation participants