TEW Rings and Fields, Complex Analysis, Geometry of Curves (2016)

Venue: Presidency University, Kolkata
Date:  4th - 9thJan, 2016


Name: Shubhabrata Das  Prof. Mahuya Datta

Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, Presidency University,
Kolkata 700 073
Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B. T. Road,
Kolkata 700108.
Email: shubhabrata.maths at presiuniv.ac.in  mahuyad at gmail.com

Note: The Teachers' Enrichment Work (TEW) is meant only for the Teachers in the local area, where it is being organised.  The outstation participants will be not given travel support and local hospitality

Teachers' Enrichment Workshops (TEW) are conducted by NCM with the financial support from Advancement of Arts and Sciences from India, which is known as ARSI.