ATMW Partial differential equations of fractional order (2015)- Speakers and syllabus

A brief Description of the school : In recent years, fractional order partial differential equations have moved at the forefront of mathematics research and interest in the subject is growing by the day.

The most important aspect of these equations is that they are nonlocal and are often viewed as integrodifferential operators. Such equations have its origin in the study stochastic control/game problems  where the state processes are driven by Levy processes. There are other application areas such as dislocation dynamics. The study of such problems requires looking beyond traditional available methods for PDEs and development of new techniques. It is  essential to have an in depth knowledge on fractional order Sobolev spaces and elements of Fourier analysis. The study of nonlinear problems requires re­interpretation of the notion of viscosity solution  theory.

This workshop aims at introducing this subject to interested students, postdocs and young researchers from institutes/universities across India. We plan to cover aspects of fractional order Sobolev spaces, methods involving Fourier analysis, basic solvability issues, and the notion of viscosity solution for fully nonlinear problems.  We also intend to motivate the study by drawing the connection of these equations with  relevant control/game problems.

List of Speakers:

1­ Prof. Adimurthi , TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. ( AM)

2­ Dr. Imran Biswas, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. ( IB)

3­ Prof. KT Joseph, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. (KTJ)

4­ Prof. K. Sandeep, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. (KS)

5­ Dr. Saugata Bandyopadhyay, IISER Kolkata. (SB)

6­ Dr. Venky Krishnan, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. (VK)

Course Associates :

1­ Arka Malik, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. (AM)

2­ Debabrata Karmakar, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. (DK)

3­Indranil Chowdury, TIFR­CAM, Bangalore. (IC)

Syllabus :

Speaker No.of lectures Detailed  Syllabus
AM 6 Fractional order Sobolev spaces,embedding theorems
IB 6 Stochastic control,non­local Bellman equations, viscosity solutions
KTJ 6 Pseudo differential operators­Part II
KS 6 Semilinear fractional order equations, existence and symmetry.
SB 6 Nonlocal PDEs in geometry
VK 6 Pseudo differential operators­ part  I

Note: Each lecture/tutorial is for 1 1⁄2 hours

Time­Table  (Fill in initials of speakers and course associates)

    Lecture1 Tea Lecture2 Lunch Lecture3 Tea and Snacks Tutorial
Day Date 9.00-10.30   11.00-12.30   2.00-3.30   4.00-5.00
Mon 06/07/2015 AK VK IB IC, AM
Tue 07/07/2015 VK AM VK AM,DK
Wed 08/07/2015 IB AM VK DK,IC
Thu 09/07/2015 VK SB VK IC,AM
Fri 10/07/2015 KTJ IB SB AM.IC
Sat 11/07/2015 SB IB KS IC,DK
Mon 13/07/2015 KS KTJ AM DK,IC
Tue 14/07/2015 SB KS KTJ IC,AM
Wed 15/07/2015 KTJ IB SB AM,DK
Thu 16/07/2015 KS KTJ AM DK,IC
Fri 17/07/2015 AM KS KTJ DK,AM
Sat 18/07/2015 IB SB KS AM,IC