TEW - Algebra & Multivariate Calculus (2021)

Venue: NA, online mode

Dates: 8 Jan 2021 to 14 Feb 2021

INSA - NCM joint TEW


Name:  Dr. Punam Gupta Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh
Mailing Address: (Local Organizer)
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya
Sagar-470 003, M.P.
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research
Bhopal-462 066, M.P.
Email: punam2101 at gmail.com  sanjayks at iiserb.ac.in

The proposed TEW aims at highlighting the applications of algebra and multivariate calculus, two subjects that are basic to mathematics and science. The workshop would demonstrate to the participants how linear algebra and multivariate calculus are related and could be useful objects for mathematicians, engineers and physicists. The workshop would equip university, college teachers and engineering teachers with enough examples so that the process of mathematics teaching and learning could be made more meaningful and joyful. In addition, speakers would highlight the importance to study linear algebra and multivariate calculus.

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