TEW - Analysis and Algebra
Venue: National Institute of Technology, online mode
Dates: 5 Feb 2021 to 28 Feb 2021
INSA - NCM joint TEW
Name: | B.Ramakrishnan | R.Vennila |
Mailing Address: | Professor HRI Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi Prayagraj (Allahabad) 211 019 |
Assistant Professor (Sr.G) Department of Mathematics Kongu Engineering College Perundurai-638060 |
Email: | ramki at hri.res.in | vennilamaths at gmail.com |
This Teachers’ Enrichment Workshop (TEW) is aimed primarily at mathematics teachers at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. While research scholars in mathematics may also apply, they will have lower preference in selection. The sessions will be geared towards improving the understanding of the fundamental concepts and results in ANALYSIS and ALGEBRA. The workshop will be an intensive one and only those who are willing to actively participate and get their hands dirty by solving problems need apply.
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