TEW - Linear Algebra through Data Science

Venue: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Dates: 20 May 2024 to 25 May 2024


Name: Prof. Amritanshu Prasad Prof. S. Viswanath
Mailing Address: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Chennai 600113.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Chennai 600113.
Email: amri at imsc.res.in svis at imsc.res.in

This workshop will discuss basic ideas of linear algebra through the prism of data science. Concepts such as linear independence, rank, basis, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonality and singular value decomposition will be discussed in the context of data science. There will also be a discussion of machine learning applications of linear algebra concepts. It is hoped that this workshop will lead to a better understanding of linear algebra itself, and also its relevance to data science and machine learning.