NCMW - Holomorphic and Topological Methods in Symplectic Geometry (2024)

Speakers and Syllabus

Names and affiliations of possible speakers.

  1. Dishant Pancholi, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
  2. Mohan Swaminathan, Stanford University
  3. Ipsita Datta, ETH Zurich
  4. Agniva Roy, Louisiana State University
  5. Yash Deshmukh, Max Planck, Bonn


 References :

  1. McDuff-Salamon : Introduction to Symplectic topology.
  2. McDuff-Salamon : J-holomorphic curves and symplectic topology.
  3. Milnor : Morse theory.
  4. Schwarz : Morse homology.
  5. Wendl : Lectures on holomorphic curves in symplectic and contact geometry
  6. Hatcher: Algebraic topology
  7. Cohen: Floer homotopy theory, revisited

Possible tutors :

  1. Abhinandan Das, ISI Kolkata
  2. Akashdwip Biswas, ISI Kolkata
  3. Aritra Bhowmick, IISER Kolkata.

Time Table

  10:00-11:30 11:45-1:15 2:30-4:00 4:30-5:30
03/06/24 KS1 ID1 MS1 Tutorial 1
04/06/24 KS2 SB2 ID2 Tutorial 2
05/06/24 YD1 MS2 Tutorial  
06/06/24 MS3 ID3 YD2 Tutorial/Q&A
07/06/24 MS4 YD3 SB2 Tutorial/Q&A
08/06/24 YD4 ID4 Tutorial  


  • Speaker KS – Kuldeep Saha.
    Title – Introduction to Symplectic Geometry.
  • Speaker ID – Ipsita Datta.
    Title – Floer homology and Arnold conjecture.
  • Speaker MS – Mohan Swaminathan.
    Title – Pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds with a focus on Gromov-Witten invariants.
  • Speaker SB – Somnath Basu.
    Title – Introduction to String topology.
  • Speaker YD – Yash Deshmukh.
    Title – Floer homotopy theory.
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