NCMW - Cohen Macaulay simplicial complexes in graph theory (2023)

Venue: CMI, Kelambakkam

Dates: 10 Jul 2023 to 15 Jul 2023


Name: Priyavrat Deshpande Anurag Singh
Mailing Address: Assistant Professor,
Chennai Mathematical Institute
Assistant Professor,
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai
Email:  pdeshpande at anurags at

The main aim of this workshop is to introduce participants with various methods and tools that are used to solve problems at the intersection of topological combinatorics and combinatorial commutative algebra. The
topics that we plan to explore are: Stanley-Reisner ring of a simplicial complex, Cohen-Macaulay conditions, edge and cover ideals of graphs, splitting monomial ideals and Fröberg’s theorem, component-wise linearity, simplicial complexes associated with graphs; like neighborhood complexes, independence complexes, matching complexes and their generalizations etc, discrete Morse theory and its applications. We also plan to discuss topological invariants of above men-tioned graph complexes and their connections to graph theory.

First course in commutative algebra and algebraic topology with the understanding of homology and cohomology calculations.