AIS - Stochastic Processes (2023)

Venue: NISER, Bhubaneswar

Dates: 26 Jun 2023 to 15 Jul 2023


Name: Dr. Nabin Kumar Jana Dr. Arijit Chakrabarty
Mailing Address: Reader-F
School of Mathematical Sciences
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar
P.O. Jatni, Khurda, Odisha, 752050

Associate Professor
Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit Indian Statistical Institute
203 B.T. Road,
Kolkata 700108

Email: nabinjana at arijit.isi at

Probability theory is now considered an integral part of mathematics. The mathematics programmes of most Indian Universities, however, do not include probability theory in much detail. The aim of this school is to give a comprehensive training in probability and stochastic processes to students of the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Besides, giving them a chance to interact with researchers in these topics is also a goal of this instructional school.