TEW - Algebra, Linear Algebra, Cryptography

Venue: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Dates: 25 Nov 2019 to 30 Nov 2019


Name: Prof. K. Srinivas Prof. Pralay Chatterjee Prof. K. N. Raghavan
Mailing Address: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113.
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
CIT Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600113.
Email: srinivas.kotyada at gmail.com pralay at imsc.res.in  knr at imsc.res.in

TEWs are meant only for the local teachers and therefore no travel and other hospitalities will be provided to the outstation participants